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Location: Ames, Iowa, United States

Monday, May 30, 2005

New York Police Following The Lead Of London Bobbies

This short lead from Drudgereport is welcome news. The placement of cameras in high crime areas is a no-brainer to me. Get the bad guys on tape! The usual suspects are against the idea:

"The issue has sparked protest from civil-liberties groups"

What else is new?

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Another Great Blog On The "Peaceful" Religion Of Islam

I ran across this one today (Memorial Day, 2005) and had to pass it along. The writer borrowed a lot from other sources (I won't call it plagiarism) without giving credit, but the CRUSADE is too important.

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Kids Can See Nudity In The Movies, But Not Live In Tennessee

How's this for a ridiculous attitude by authorities in Nashville, Tennessee. I don't have the entire story yet, but it seems that young kids aren't even allowed to see naked people, at least in person. The law allows parents to accompany their kids to R rated films, that can show a lot of skin. But if it's live, the parents are criminals. What a crock. I'll be looking into this one further, and if more info becomes available, I'll post it in a new blog, or if it's soon, I'll just amend this one.

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OK, I got the phone number of the guy, Don Aaron who is the "spokesman" for the police.


US To Invade South Korea????

I'm still trying to figure out the latest BS from the maniacs running North Korea. If one believes what they say, the United States is preparing and invasion of South Korea. Hmm.... Does that mean our troops will be pulled out, and then man landing craft to storm the beaches with guns blazing? The latest information available clearly shows that United States armed forces personnel have occupied South Korea since the end of WW2. An invasion, therefore would be duplicitous, to say the least.

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

"24" Ending A Joke

I don't know if you watch the FOX show "24", but the endings have become more and more absurd over the years. I won't get into the prior years, but this season's finale was like watching the "Twilight Zone". Jack Bauer has just saved the country from another horrible situation, yet pressure from the Chinese government over an operation that Jack sponsored against the Chinese embassy gets the President of the US to give him up for arrest, and potential execution.
Jack is informed of the situation, with the further complication that the Secret Service is now going to execute him to prevent the Chinese from interrogating him. So he fakes his own death, is brought back to life by personal supporters in the "CTU" (counter-terrorism-unit), and walks away, with potentially a future of life on the run.
What a crock. The government wouldn't give a crap about the Chinese in this situation. What are they going to do? Launch a nuclear attack? That would be perfect. No more China.

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ACLU Makes More Anti US Claims

In the latest salvo from the ACLU, this piece from the AP is just another example of the continuing war of words that has gone on regarding "prisoner abuse". Yet the piece notes:

"In response to a recent Newsweek story, later retracted, that U.S. officials had confirmed allegations of Quran desecration at Guantanamo Bay, Pentagon officials have said repeatedly that they have turned up no credible, substantiated claims that U.S. military guards had deliberately treated the Muslim holy book with disrespect. "

How can this sort of statement come from the ACLU, if the claims are unsubstantiated?:

``The United States government continues to turn a blind eye to mounting evidence of widespread abuse of detainees held in its custody,'' said ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero. ``If we are to truly repair America's standing in the world, the Bush administration must hold accountable high-ranking officials who allow the continuing abuse and torture of detainees.''

Romero is way out of line. Maybe the next terrorist attack will involve his friends or loved ones.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Less Kids In SF? AP Writer Misses The Mark

So there are less families in San Francisco. All the regular reasons are quoted, yet the other cities with the same problems (taxes, transportation and housing costs) aren't showing the same loss of families. Let's see now... Hmmmm... Could it be that the mayor and the city council have been coveting the gay community for the last 20-30 years? Nahh.... It couldn't be.. Or???

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Monday, May 23, 2005

Bus Driver Victim Of Bad Parents (Not His)

This story about the bad kids on the school bus in Florida is a perfect example of what I have been speaking of over and over. The bus driver is responsible for the safety of the children riding his bus. His age and time of service seem to indicate that he knows what is right and wrong on the bus. The driver was forced to perform the sort of corporal punishment that the parents of the boys have failed to. What happened to respect for authority? Out the window, thanks to the ACLU. If this guy gets convicted, or even loses his job, then we need to take a long hard look at who is making the rules. These kids should not only be charged with a crime, but should be expelled from school. In addition, their parents should be held liable for damages, if the driver loses his freedom or his job as a result of this altercation.

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Another Ignorant Claim Of Racism

In Maryland a high school staged the play "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" recently where a black student played Huck, while a white played the part of the escaped slave, Jim Crow. When it came to the broadcast rights however, the copyright owner has not allowed this cross-casting. The reasons are quite clear. Here is an excerpt of the reasoning:

"...when you're dealing with a theatrical work and race or ethnicity is a key factor, many authors or playwrights feel strongly that ethnicity has to be reflected in the actors who portray the characters..."

The father of the black boy (of course) has complained. The next thing is using a woman to play Hitler, or a man to play Queen Victoria. Some people just don't get it.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Newsweek Finally Retracts Bogus Story

In a case of WAY too little too late, Newsweek magazine has finally retracted the false story that appeared in the magazine about the desecration of the Koran by US troops. Since the Islamic world already hates us, it's too late to repair the damage that has been wrought. As I stated before, Newsweek should be held accountable for the horrible consequences that resulted. With the number of deaths that have resulted (approaching 20) in the rioting that ensued, there should be a class action lawsuit filed against the publication. Where is the ACLU?

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Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek Magazine Should Be Held Accountable

This ridiculous turn of events gets me really fired up. Newsweak, er..Newsweek published a story about US Soldiers desecrating the Koran. The story was false. Period. Newsweek must have the same sort of supervisors and decision makers that work for CBS. The "go ahead and publish it, it must be true" attitude has got to stop. If there were civil and/or criminal penalties applied as a rule of law, such unwillingness to investigate the truth would probably dry up. If the magazine is successfully sued for wrongful death by those who died in the rioting that resulted from the allegations (lies), perhaps the end result will be a little more responsibility in reporting. But I'm not going to hold my breath.

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Kingdom Of Heaven: History Or Propaganda?

The LA Times paints the situation depicted in the recent motion picture "Kingdom Of Heaven" as some sort of precursor to the current situation in the Middle East. In part, it is true. I have written about the real reasons of the Crusades before. The original idealism was quickly replaced by plundering and scavenging by the Christian forces. When Jerusalem was captured, the killing of innocents was common. But this was only in response to what had occured earlier, when the Turks had attacked the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. The Times decides to editorialize about the military strategy used then, and compare it to what is now happening:

"There are the refined Western doves and the boorish Christian hawks trying to maneuver in a not-very-peaceful truce with the Islamic kingdom they've successfully invaded. The movie doesn't touch on another similarity. The First Crusade began because Muslim Turks invaded Byzantine Christian territory centered in Constantinople. Rather than simply defend those lands, though, the Crusaders opted to add on something entirely unrelated: Jerusalem. The U.S. invasion of Iraq following the 9/11 attacks follows a similar illogic. Military victory then and now proved quick and simple compared with the aftermath."

The claim that the capturing of Jerusalem was based on some sort of "illogic" is ridiculous. The Muslims had eradicted the Jews and Christians in the area; at least those who refused to accept Islam. The Christian world was in disarray, with wars and infighting throughout Western Europe. With the attack on Constantinople, there was a reason to unite against an outside threat. The unity of the alliances formed were tenuous at best, as the film shows. There were those who took advantage to gain personal wealth, and those who were there to fight the "Good Fight". Since Jerusalem was considered to be the real home of Christianity, there was no illogic.

The Crusades were not quick and simple, even during times of success. The unfortunate acts of those who were out for personal gain set the groundwork for a seemingly perpetual war between the religions.

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Mexican President Still Doesn't Get It

Vicente Fox is pissed off because our government is finally responding to the will of the people, and to the imminent threat to national security posed by our porous borders. Here's how the My Way.Com piece puts Fox's statements:

"There is no doubt that Mexicans, filled with dignity, willingness and ability to work are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States," he said in a speech broadcast in part on local radio and reported on newspaper web sites.
Fox said recent, tougher measures against immigrants do not represent "the road we should be building between friends and partners."

When is it dignified to scramble across a foreign border illegally? How can he say that those law breakers are acting like friends or partners? Reality is setting in, finally.

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Sunday, May 08, 2005

More NY Times Stuff About Iraq

This interesting piece about NY Times writer Bob Herbert is troubling. As usual, the Times is always ready to believe the worst about our troops, simply because it hates George Bush.

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Another Way To Get Illegals Out

Thanx to Michelle Malkin for this bit. In New Hampshire, the police are starting to arrest illegals based on trespass laws. If one is in a place or area illegally, they are trespassing. Sounds good to me. Let's see how the Feds treat this new tactic.

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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Another School Admistration Just Doesn't Get It

This latest story about the high school kid talking on his cell phone with his mom, who is a soldier over in Iraq, is just another example of the ridiculous rules that have been established by school administrators around the country. According to the piece, the boy was in the lunch area, and received a cell phone call from his mother, a once a month event. Now if he was in the lunch area, one might realistically assume that it was during lunch. The school people say their rule against cell phone use on campus is:

"to preserve instructional time and decorum in our schools"

Now I'm pretty sure that instructional time during lunch is at a minimum. Most likely the state even has prohibitions on the school's requiring study during the lunch break. So maybe the decorum thing is the predicate here. If the boy was using profanity, then it falls within the rights of the school to suspend him for the profanity. But taking the cell phone away from him is probably illegal. But the issue is still the enforcement of a rule that shouldn't even exist. The lunch period should provide the students some time to themselves, as long as their activities aren't disruptive or illegal. Another backward set of rules from a backward area of the country.

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PS: Here's the site of the school, with email availability of those in charge. Give 'em hell


As of right now, all three of the emails on the site have been shut off. Hiding under their desks, as Bill O'Reilly would say.

So here's the emails of the school board:


Friday, May 06, 2005

Too Much Security In DC?

This piece in the LA Times is chilling. I have had similar treatment, and reactions to it, at the airport. In three flights (two out of Des Moines, one out of LAX), I have been pulled aside for "the treatment" on two occasions. So much for the 2% or whatever it is that the number of random searches is supposed to be. This type of activity is a waste of time and money. The bad guys aren't going to get caught that way. When a person's tickets are printed, there is a code on the boarding pass that indicates the special search. If the person were an actual terrorist, they could simply get out of line and leave the airport, with nobody being the wiser. Any well planned terrorist attack would have the would be attackers trained on what to look for on their boarding pass. In Des Moines, the guy at the counter even told me that I was going to be searched. If I were a bad guy, I would have been able to leave the airport, unimpeded. Instead of looking for (profiling) the real bad guys, the Feds have the entire country on edge for no reason.

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Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Runaway Bride Has Issues???????

The girl is a nutcase. If the guy marries her, he will get what he deserves. Have you seen her photos? Her deer in the headlights look is consistent, shot to shot. This whole thing will work with the Hollywood entertainment industry.

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Robert Scheer Gets Most Of It Right, This Time

Bobby has written a pretty good piece, but there is still some tunnel vision in his description of went on in Vietnam after the US pullout. By the way, he makes a point to say that the US lost the war....several times. I have stated many times that we chose not to win, but lets go to the point of my piece here. Scheer writes about what transpired after the US pullout:

"Rather than joining to squash the capitalist West, as the domino theory argued, these revolutionized countries most often battled one another. After our defeat by communist Vietnam, for example, Hanoi promptly diverted its troops to defend against an invasion from communist China. Now these historical rivals compete for shelf space in Costco and Wal-Mart. The exploitation of their cheap labor by gleeful Western investors is renewed proof of the viability of Marx's labor theory of value and the dominance of capital."

The problem with that passage is Scheer's failure to describe the murderous purge that occured after the pullout. Close to a million people were murdered by the forces of North Vietnam. The ridiculous idea that there was some sort of diversion of troops in any great number to the border with China is unsupported by the facts. The killing of millions of innocent people in South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia happened because of the US pullout.
Hey Bobby, get your story straight.

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Armed Forces Recruiters On Campus

This piece about the free speech of law schools and universities is interesting. The right to "not associate" with armed forces recruiters is being used by the institutions of higher learning to justify their opposition to on campus recruiting. Maybe I don't get it, but isn't the free speech of the recruiters being violated by their being denied access to the students in a reasonable manner? Just asking.

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Another Border Group For San Diego Area

A group from Chino, California has announced it will set up another border watch like the Minutman Project. The usual suspects have criticized the idea. Here is an example:

"I think the only reason behind this effort is to get media attention," said Christian Ramirez, director of the San Diego office of the American Friends Service Committee, a peace and social justice organization. "The Minuteman Project was very successful in selling the concept that they were protecting the nation and supporting Border Patrol agents…. It was a publicity stunt."

Mr Ramirez is correct. The whole idea is to publicize the BIG problem we have on our border with Mexico. Until the Feds wake up, this sort of activity needs to continue.

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Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Hamstrung By Dems

This unfortunate piece of news in the LA Times shows just how bad things are in California. The governator can't get another one of his stated goals accomplished, because of lack of support from the Democrat led legislature. Until the people of the state get smart and elect Republican to office, the logjam in Sacramento will not change.

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EU Wants US To Help With Iran

The piece in the LA Times is not good news. The Euros want the US to help them in the nuclear negotiations with Iran. If such talks result in certain concessions (like a promise not to attack Iran), our military will be unable to protect Israel and other countries friendly to America
This could prove to be a blessing in disguise, however as the Israelis will still be able to take preemptive action against the crazies over in Tehran. The resultant world reaction would be enormous. But since the Islamic world still has not renounced the destruction of the Jewish state, (and it never will) that type of action won't really change anything.

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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

LA Times Attacts The Governator On Illegals

The LA Times has decided that Arnold is no longer their guy. Why, because the governator has finally reached the conclusion that illegal immigration must be halted. The Times tries to make the case that it's only because so much is happening in California that is anti Arnold. Maybe he has finally realized that most of the problems of the state are a result of the influx of illegals. That's what I think. LA Times, stick your attacks where the sun doesn't shine.

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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Iowa State Government Living In The Stone Age

I have just a word to say here about Iowa. I moved here because my daughter is going to college here, not for any other reason. The people here have this strange idea that they have everything figured out, especially those working in government service. A situation has come up in the Iowa State Senate. The last election created a senate with the same number of Dems as GOP members. Since everybody votes along party lines (instead of actually considering the issues in an intelligent manner), the state senate cannot get anything passed. Pathetic. Of course, there should be some sort of tie breaking mechanism in the law. Maybe the tried and true method of using the Lieutenant Governor as the tie breaking voter? Most states have some sort of tie breaker, but not the geniuses in Iowa.

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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Another Bush Bashing Energy Piece, With No Answers

Eugene Robinson's piece is just another example of those on the Left bashing the president, this time about energy and gas prices, while providing no ideas in lieu of our current policies. First there is the American "love of the car". Well, what else is new? This country is large. It is the most advanced country in the world. If Russia was as modern as the US, it would be travelling by car as well. And look at China, with its recent rise in demand for oil up 16% in one year. Then the sly little mention of no immediate relief to high gas prices. Where's the magic wand? The president mentions nuclear power, using France as an example. Robinson ignores the fact that the Left has continuously fought against the proliferation of nuclear power plants, and instead attacks the use of coal as a power source. Never mind that coal is our most abundant natural resource. The mentioning of coal being an unclean resource is accurate. But the oil from Saudi Arabia has a high sulpher content, which requires special (more expensive) refining techniques. The idea that no one would want a LNG terminal in their area is absurd. There are many who are fighting to get the terminals put in their area, as it would provide jobs and tax revenue to the local cities. The president has suggested putting new refineries in land that is already owned by the Federal government. He has offered up the closed military bases as such.
And who cares if some rich jerks have to see windmills out their back doors? Wind technology is far under used. There are areas of the country that have virtually constant winds, with little or no people living in the area to complain. Solar power is free, and would generate enough electricity to run most of the trains and passenger cars in the future. Let's stop bashing Bush, and try to be constructive.
By the way, I can think of two songs about cars that aren't American. The Beatles did "Baby You Can Drive My Car", and Queen did "I'm In Love With My Car". There are probably a lot more, I just can't bring them off the top of my head.
Let's try to be proactive, not reactive. Let's try to build, not tear down. I know it's a novel idea to those on the left. But they haven't had any really good ideas since JFK.

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Minuteman Effort On Border A Bust?

Marc Cooper's piece in the LA Times is OK, if you ignore the fact that the Minutemen accomplished exactly what they wanted. The whole reason they went down to the border was not to close it, but to point out in a personal way that the problem is real. With all of the publicity they received, it sure looks like they succeeded, much to the chagrin of the Left.
And I loved the exposing of the ACLU's minions down there being caught smoking pot. It was beautiful!! Here's the blog:


Anyway, if the Governator decides to put the National Guard on the border, maybe then he will go back up in the polls.

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Mayoral Race In Los Angeles

Mayor James Hahn is trying to get reelected in Los Angeles. He is desperately reaching out to the San Fernando Valley as a last bastion of voters to save his office. I used to live in the SFV. Mayor Hahn lost the SFV when he opposed the breakup of the city that was advocated by SFV seperatists. He has a short memory.

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North Korea: A Jekyll And Hyde Story

In a sudden about face, North Korea now says that it cannot negotiate with the US and President Bush on its nuclear arms situation. Wasn't it just a couple of months ago that Pyongyang insisted that the talks be just between them and the US? I wrote about it back then, saying that all of the countries in the area should be involved in any kind of negotiations involving nuclear proliferation. The latest just shows that the leadership is crazy. In the long run, they will have to be eliminated, one way or the other.

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Corruption In Iraq To End?

This piece in the LA Times is good news, if it works. It's obvious to me that the amount of violence against the Iraqi army and police forces is too high to be anything other than an inside job situation. Too many times the insurgents are able to ambush and kill many Iraqi officials and defence forces, when those killed should have been able to defend themselves. It tells me that there have to be many on the inside who are supporting the insurgents, in an effort to bring down the new government. Until these individuals are ferreted out, the country will never be safe. Here is an exerpt:

...."representatives of the new Shiite administration have harshly assailed the outgoing Interior Ministry, which is in charge of internal security, as riddled with insurgent informants and sympathizers of Hussein's former Baathist regime."

Donald Rumsfeld fears that some of those who are eliminated could be valuable officers who are caught up in the purge. He might be right, but those who are innocent could help their own cause by turning in those who need to be eliminated. It's quite likely that there is a "code of silence" like the one that exists inside police forces. Those who do wrong are not fingered by the good guys. Those who stand silent are just as guilty as the real culprits, in my world.
Let the purge begin.

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This Blogger Lies About Bush's Social Security Plan

I had to say something about this guy. He is lying through his teeth, over and over in his blogs. Thanx to Michelle Malkin for pointing him out. Just go to his page and try to find something truthful. Here's Michelle's piece from a few days ago:


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Another Guy Who Doesn't Get The Border Problem

I found this blog on Michelle Malkin's site. This guy doesn't get it. He talks about the border and it being OK to have illegals come across to work. I guess he thinks everyone crossing illegally is coming to work. As Bill O'Reilly says: "He's living in the land of Oz". As I've stated, and the facts bear it out, the people coming across are lawbreakers just by the fact they are breaking immigration laws. Most Hispanics who are in the US legally are against illegal border crossing, as every poll taken has indicated. The states that border Mexico have a huge prison population of illegals. Street gangs in Los Angeles are largely illegals. Others are crossing the border as well. It's not just Mexicans. Islamic prayer rugs have been found in the desert in areas that are frequented by the illegal crossers. When the next 9/11 occurs, the chances are it will be shown that the perpetrators came across the US/Mexico border. I wonder if the professor will notice.
Probably not.

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