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Location: Ames, Iowa, United States

Friday, March 31, 2006

Solidarity Needed Now

In the latest, the Illegals are planning a "strike" or a "day without Latinos". We must not let this be a reason to back off of the real issue. The wall must happen. Those who walk off the job in this organized worker strike must be suspended or fired.

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McKinney Uses The Race Card..What A Surprise

Allah Pundit, on Michelle Malkin's site, gave us a preview this morning (click the link) and Sho Nuff, the racist white cop is now the bad guy. What a crock.
I watched the McKinney press statement a few minutes ago, and she alleges that "the only reason" she was stopped by the officer when she attempted to enter the congress building is because she is a woman and because she is black.
It couldn't have had anything to do with the fact that she wasn't wearing her congress lapel pin, and then went around the metal detectors that protect the entrance to the chambers. It couldn't be that she failed to stop when the officer told her to. It couldn't be because she swung around and punched the officer in the chest with her cell phone. Nope. None of those reasons.
It was because she is a woman, and black, and the officer is white.
She broke the law. She is using racist rhetoric to obfuscate the truth. Throw the book at her.

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It's About Flags, Not People

So now we have kids tearing down and burning the Mexican flag that was raised at an Arizona High School. Works for me. That's the excuse those on the left use, when our flag is desecrated. Free speech, and all that BS.
I had a thought though. If everyone in the country started flying the flags of their ancestors, our country would become a lot more colorful.
Those who came here from Nazi Germany while Hitler was in power could fly the Swastika. Those who escaped the purges of Stalin could fly the red flag of the USSR. Same for those who escaped Red China. Lots of red in those flags. I'll bet that would raise a few eyebrows.
The Left would be screaming bloody murder, of course.

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Democracy Needs Culture

The highlighted piece gives a very good insight how the situation in Iraq and that in the US (border/illegals issues) are parallel, and linked to culture. Check it out

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Hispanic Protesters Like Sheep

In what is clearly a protest against the United States, and all it stands for, there have been more walkouts from schools across the country by Hispanic students and their sympathizers. The Mexican flag is being waved, and in some instances place on flagpoles at schools and other official venues.
Who is doing this? An why? It's the kids, mostly. With the help and encouragement of some faculty members and others of authority. But none involved seem to really understand what they are doing.
A high school principal in Houston, Texas put up the Mexican flag on the school's flagpole. I guess he thinks Houston is in Mexico. I wonder what would happen if a principal at a school in Mexico put up the American flag? Jail for sure. Torture? Probably.
The school is part of the Houston Independent School District. What will the district do?

"HISD leaders said no decision has been made about possible discipline against the principal, who declined interview requests Wednesday."

Great, sit on your hands, while the kids and administrators run amok.
And as far as the kids, and the real reason they are out there? Here's one argument:

"Most students at Reagan High School have relatives or ancestors from Mexico," said Ramos. "The flag represents Mexican heritage as much if not more than citizenship."

But this one seems to be more realisitic:

"It picked up today for us," said Staci Stanfield, spokeswoman for the Galena Park District. "I think they're watching it. We've seen kind of copycat protests that have cropped up throughout the entire country and area."

And this:

"More than half don't even know why they are doing it," she said. "It seems to me that they just want to be part of something big, but they don't know what it is. They've never before cared about politics, or what was going on with our government. The reason they care now is because it gives them a chance to cut class."

Chance to cut class. Perfect. O'Reilly would say ridiculous. But at least one guy has it right:

"Alvin High School Principal Kevon Wells, who also watched the group, said the students will be treated as truants. Punishment can include after-school detention and being assigned to an alternative school campus, he said."

As I've said, this will come to a halt if those who perpetrate these acitivities (school administrators) start to lose their jobs.
Until then the sheep will keep following the crowd.

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Jill Carroll Is A Traitor, Or Her Head Is up Her....

Having been released by the terrorists, the anti war advocate Jill Carroll has made anti American and anti war statements that show her true colors.
Send her back to her abductors

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Pope To Visit Red China

This is just the kind of situation that could trigger the US-China War of the 21st Century. The Pope is planning a visit to that vile country, as the military buildup and prepositioning of Chinese influence throughout the world has reached the highest levels in history.
Scenario: The Pope is assasinated. The Chinese blame "activists" inside their own country and begin mass arrests and executions, in the name of getting those responsible.
Meanwhile, British intelligence (not ours...too incompetent) finds a direct link to the Chinese Military in the assasination.
The word gets out (thank you BBC) and the WORLD wants revenge.
Fantasy? Maybe....Or fate? It would be bad news for Walmart, for sure.

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Powerful Piece On China's Threat To The USA

Click the link, and read a new piece that shows that what I've been saying that the next war is going to be vs Red China is not a fantasy.
I told you.

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Terminator Wants End To Illegals

Ahnold, the governor of California has come out strongly against the stream of illegals crossing the border into the USA. California has the largest population of illegals by far of any state, with about 99% being Mexican nationals.
I used to live there. Every year it got worse. Now they march in the streets, and claim California is part of Mexico.
We must vote our spineless congressmen and senators out of office if they won't stop this travesty.

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Vermont Congress: Prosecute Bush, Not Child Molesters

In an unbelievable turn, the Congress of the State of Vermont is worrying more about whether George Bush should be impeached than whether there should be mandatory prison sentences for sexual crimes against children.
The implementation of a "Jessica's Law" has been held up in the Vermont legislature for months, as those same politicians decide about the president, who doesn't rape children.
Shame on them.

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United Nations Issues "Ultimatum" To Iran

This is really laughable, but I want to report that the UN has issued a NON BINDING ultimatum to Iran telling it to stop the enrichment of Uranium. Sounds a lot like all of the resolutions that Iraq and Saddam Hussein ignored during the time between the two Gulf Wars.
Waste of time and effort comes to mind. Non story is another. To imitate Michelle Malkin: YAWN.
The United Nations resolutions over tha last 20+ years have not meant squat. Unless the USA is backing the resolutions they mean NOTHING. And of course we get vilified when attempting to enforce those resolutions.
What a joke.

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Another Sane Piece On The Illegals Issue

Here's another piece on what't really up with the illegal immigration issue, and what the backlash could become.

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Congress Beware, You Will Be Out Of Office

Check out this highlighted piece and let your representatives know, by phone, fax, email or letter how you feel about their ridiculous behavior involving illegal immigration.

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Mexican Invasion Certified By Students

In the ultimate slap in the face to all Americans, the US flag was flown on a flag pole at Whittier High School (Los Angeles Area) below the Mexican flag and upside down.
Build the wall.

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Demonstrating LA Students To Be Charged With Truancy

In an answer to my piece from the other day, the Los Angeles Police department will begin charging the students who continue to leave school in the ridiculous anti immigration bill demonstrations with truancy. As can be seen in the latest, the parents can be charged, with fines issued and community service (that's appropriate) required.

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Shi'ites Don't Really Want A Stable Government

Click the link, and look at what our people say about the "massacre" in a "mosque" of Shi'ites in Iraq by US forces. The bodies were planted, the building wasn't a mosque, and all the coalition shooting was done by Iraqi soldiers, with the American forces standing by as backup.
If the MSM keeps running with this one, it will be just another black eye for the Bush haters.

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another View Of The Immigration Marches

Check out this bloggers views on the march in Los Angeles. He attacks the LA Times, one of my favorite targets. This is getting better all the time.

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Another Blogger Sees The Immigration Light

The guy who writes Instapundit has favored open immigration in the past, but with these stupid marches and demonstrations, he sings a different tune now. Click the link.

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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Saddam & Usama Were Buddies

Click the link and note that there were meetings and agreements made between Iraq and Al Qaeda well before the 9/11 attacks. Don't let the lefties wriggle out of this one.

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Iran In For A Surprise

Click the link and read a verification of what I have been saying about Iran, and the US ability to end the threat of nuclear proliferation there.
I say, let's get this over with. We are wasting time with these pointless negotiations.

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Another Abductee Is Anti US/Anti War

In a revelation (at least for me), I found on Debbie Schlussel's column a link to information that shows the kidnapped "journalist" Jill Carroll is actually an On Site anti war protester. As I pointed out when the American anti war protester who was kidnapped and killed a couple of weeks ago, you reap what you sew. She went to Iraq with an Anti-War, Anti-American agenda.
Her agenda may get her killed. Oh well......Or Too Bad? Or.........something.

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Another Dubai Type Port Fiasco?

In the latest BS from our dimwitted Federal administration, a deal is being finalized that would put China.....er Hong Kong in charge of checking shipping containers with radiation detectors. The last time I wrote about China, I insisted it's just a matter of time before we fight them in a war. Hong Kong is run by the Chinese. 2 + 2 still equals 4.

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Iraqi Army Was Worse Than We Thought

In a major non-story, information has come to light that the Soviets.....er the Russians gave Saddam Hussein detailed information about the US war plans just prior to our forces entering Iraq. With all that information, we still kicked their ass. What a bunch of losers.

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Immigration Protesters Ignore Rule Of Law

Today protesters marched, kids left school and adults left work to protest the new anti illegal immigration bills currently being debated in congress. The protesters were, of course, ignoring the rule of law. The kids who left school were truant. The workers who did not go to work in Georgia were absent without a valid reason. The marchers who protested in the Los Angeles area were violating several laws, including failing to get a permit for a parade.
I want to thank them all for showing EXACTLY WHY the borders should be closed, and why those who are here (illegally) already should be deported or incarcerated.
In a perfect world, the kids who were truant would be suspended from school, the workers who did not show for their shifts would be suspended or fired, and those who marched through the streets would be issued citations by the police, forcing them to pay a fine, or face jail time.
But that's my world.....Put me in charge for a while.

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Now Hillary Is Getting Religious?

In a completely political (and farcical) statement, Hillary Clinton says the proposed bill that would criminalize illegaly entering the US is "mean spirited" and "....this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself".
She neglects to mention that Jesus called for respect for the laws of the government, when he spoke of "When in Rome, etc..." That reference in the Bible is about Jesus telling the people to respect Roman Law.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Blog To Check Out

The Washington Post has allowed a new blog on its site to counter the Left leaning tendencies of most of its writers. Click the link and check it out.

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Saturday, March 18, 2006

$325,000.00 Hair Cut???

In a ridiculous lawsuit, the parents of an Apache Indian girl are suing Turner Films, Inc for cutting their daughter's hair. Some sort of tribal customs, or whatever.
My question is, where were the parents during the haircut? Was their daughter left in the hands of strangers? My knowledge of film production is enough to know that in most cases minors have an adult, either a parent or surrogate of some sort, present to make sure they are safe and taken care of properly during production.
Who was there when the "bad haircut" took place? If the parents left their daughter without the protection of kin or a guardian of some sort, they have only themselves to blame.
This is more of the bad parenting I blame for much of the stuff that happens to our kids.

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Los Angeles Times Still Doesn't Get It (Terrorism War)

In criticising the latest proposed wire tap legislation, the LA Times shows a complete lack of understanding of the War On Terror. Until everybody is on the same page and acknowledges that we are in a war with Al Qaeda and other related groups, the outcry for "warrants at every turn" will continue.
In a war, the enemy is presumed guilty up front. There is no need to ask an enemy soldier to halt. Or to raise his hands and back towards the officers. Or prove his phone calls are benign.
During World War 2, it was the gathering of intelligence by the US and British that proved to be decisive in the fight against facism. There were no warrants. There was surveillance, both visual and by wire and radio intercepts. No courts were needed. No judges.
Any call to or from a suspected terrorist or terror supporter must be considered a possible communication of war information. It really is a war. LA Times, pull your heads out and see the sunshine.

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"Gold Card" For Illegals Just Another Amnesty

It's time to write to your congressman (or woman) and your senators in every state. No amnesty for Illegals. No amnesty. None.

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Tennessee Republican Frist In The Lead

In a straw poll taken yesterday, the Republicans have Bill Frist from Tennessee as the leader as a potential presidential candidate for 2008.
Personally, I would choose Fred Thompson from Tennessee. Yep, the guy on "Law And Order".
He used to be a congressman from Tennessee, and would be may choice in lieu of Frist.

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

CIA Agent's Identity Hidden? Or Not?

If you haven't been reading about the CIA operative Valerie Plame, then shame on you. Anyway, it's been common knowledge among those who choose to watch REAL news, and read ACCURATE reports, that her identity as an agent of the CIA was quite widely known.
This piece in the Chicago Tribune is reporting this information about six months after it came to light on FOX.

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Iran Getting Ready For War

Click the link and see what Iran's leader means when he says the US will "pay a price" if it interferes with Iran's nuclear program.
Bring it on....

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Supporting Radical Islam Can Get You Killed

Click the link, and see what happened to one of the "Christian" anti-American protesters who was kidnapped in Iraq. Looks like he should have stayed in the USA.

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Port Deal Is Dead..Thank God!!

Michelle Malkin has it all summed up in her extensive rehash of the entire port deal fiasco. Click the link, and read the stuff she has put together. I couldn't say it any better.

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Monday, March 06, 2006

John Kerry Wrong Again

In the highlighted piece, John Kerry uses former presidents as examples of why George Bush's policies aren't working:

"Great American presidents, from Roosevelt to Truman to Kennedy, understood that success requires a community of nations working together, drawing strength from shared sacrifice and steadfast commitment to our shared ideals," he said.

Anyone who knows history knows that all three presidents (four?) used military power, or the threat of its use as the way to further US policy. Both Roosevelts used the military in unilateral ways to push forward US influence around the world. Theodore was quoted as saying "Talk softly and carry a big stick". Franklin began supporting Great Britain with military aid long before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor (against the wishes of the public at large). Harry Truman faced the invasion of South Korea with a United Nations force that was actually a United States force. This was roundly criticized by the Press at the time. JFK authorized the Bay of Pigs invasion, as well as facing down the Soviets in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
As usual, Mr. Kerry is wrong.

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Iowa Senator Grills The Government

Charles Grassley is a US senator from Iowa. Click the link and read his letter (expose') to USCIS Director Emilio Gonzalez. USCIS is U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
If his claims are true, then everyone should be contacting their representative in congress to address these issues. This kind of stuff is unimaginably stupid and shows our government is only giving lip service to the Illegal Immigration issue. How many more terrorist attacks are required?

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Port Deal Gets Another Black Eye

In a new revelation, it turns out that Dubai has a "Boycott Israel" policy. This is a violation of Federal Law, and makes the deal for the Dubai company to run the ports moot. The contract is void on the face of it, as a result of the boycott policy.

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