The House of Representatives in Washington, DC has again prevented oil and natural gas exploration off shore around the country. Read the piece. Those who defended their votes seem to think that the tourism values available in their coastal states supercede the need for the country as a whole to have lower energy costs. Kind of ironic, though. Those same states seem to have the highest retail prices for gasoline and natural gas. California and Texas both have very high prices at the pump. I've traveled there..lived in California until recently. It's true.
To all of you who are reading this from those and other states affected by this most recent vote, consider who you will vote for (and against) in the next election.
I'll be back
PS I just emailed one of the California reps about her statements against offshore drilling.
Her name is Lois Capps, from the Santa Barbara area of California. Her offices:
Contact Lois
Washington, D.C.
1707 Longworth House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3601
Fax: (202) 225-5632
Santa Barbara
1216 State Street, Suite 403
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Phone: (805) 730-1710
Fax: (805) 730-9153
San Luis Obispo
1411 Marsh Street, Suite 205
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 546-8348
Fax: (805) 546-8368
141 South A Street, Suite 204
Oxnard, CA 93030
Phone: (805) 385-3440
Fax: (805) 385-3399
Here's what I said. It took a little effort, but I got through.
Kind of hard to dig through your defences, but this is the best for now.
I used to live in California, up until the end of 2004. 50+ years in the Los Angeles area. The final time 1978-2004 in Panorama City, SFV. I read your statement on offshore drilling, and had to respond. Here is what I read from Drudge:
"Drilling for natural gas means drilling for oil," argued Rep. Lois Capps, D-Calif., citing industry pronouncements that where there is gas, often oil is found and probably would be developed. "Drilling three miles off our coast will not lower gas prices today or anytime in the near future."
Now if you didn't say it, that's OK. But if you did, it shows all you care about is pandering to your constituency.
Our country is in an energy crisis. All means of obtaining new sources of oil and natural gas are essential to our well being and to the future of our country as the leader of the world.
My grandfather lives in Santa Barbara. I've seen the oil platforms out there in the water, and see no reason to not continue exploration and drilling offshore in that area. The myopic view that it will "hurt tourism" is the height of selfishness. The beaches suck anyway, and the water is too cold.
Sure, it takes years to develop new oil and natural gas resources. That's just the way it goes. But the longer we wait, the more expensive it will be once it finally does happen. And believe me, it will eventually happen.
I see your title. "Honorable". Maybe it's time to live up to it.
Each little step to eliminate the elitism in Congress. Step by Step.