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Location: Ames, Iowa, United States

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Judicial Power: How Is It Enforced?

I'm just asking here, but how does a judge like Greer enforce his edicts? Who has done his bidding in preventing Congress and the Governor of Florida from acting on behalf of Terri Schiavo? Does the judge have his own personal army? It sounds like the the old Medieval times. Different factions vie for power, and the one with the best army wins. Why didn't congress subpoena Greer? He would have refused to come before congress for a hearing, and could have been arrested for contempt of congress. Just asking.

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Judicial Tyranny Kills Terri Schiavo

Ann Coulter says it all here, regarding the Terri Schiavo case. I'm not sure what Terri ever said about "not wanting to live that way", but there seem to be enough questions about her situation and her relationship with her husband before she had the "heart attack" that damaged her brain.
I hope that the autopsy reveals something that can be used to settle the issue.

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Sunday, March 27, 2005

New Predator Will Help

The highlighted piece should be good news to those who object to US military excursions for the sole reason that any US casualties are unacceptable, no matter how few. The Predator B, which has been secret until recently, (I knew about it two years ago) will increase the ability of our forces to strike behind enemy lines without endangering our men. With no pilot on board, the craft can be flown from anywhere in the world, striking targets at any time, day or night. It brings to mind a series of sci-fi books I read as a teenager. I think Larry Niven was the author. He had a world where the military had these tanks with computers on board that made the tanks able to make decisions on their own, without needing a crew on board. Someday, maybe.

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Canada Rejects Deserter

Well, I didn't see this coming. After all the ranting by Bill O'Reilly about the Canadian government and its anti-American attitude, this piece showed up today. Maybe the fact that Fox News Channel is now seen in Canada has something to do with it. The people in Canada now see what their government is like, and what the truth really is. I hope deserting soldier gets 25 years in prison.

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Another Misleading Reuters/CNN Headline

Many times Reuters/CNN/Netscape have put up misleading or false headlines as the lead-ins to stories about our military. The latest states:

"Woman, Children Die in U.S. Attack on Taliban"

The problem is, the US forces were not attacked. Here is an exerpt from the piece itself:

"The military said fighting broke out on Tuesday and U.S.-led forces came under intense fire as they arrived in Mohammad's village in Paktika, which borders Pakistan."

So in reality it was the Taliban who attacked, with the US forces defending themselves. The innocent people died because the Taliban attacked. I have written to Reuters, Netscape, and CNN Online about this tactic (policy) of posting misleading headlines. There has never been a response from any of the three sources.

It's no wonder that people think our forces are over there to kill innocent civilians. Admittedly, if an intellegent person reads the entire story, the truth is seen. But those who are already looking for another reason to vilify our troops will see the headline and assume it's true.

I'm going to send a copy of this to Netscape/CNN/Reuters. We'll see if they respond this time.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hydrogen Fueled Cars? Maybe

Dick Morris' piece about California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has the governor touting the viability of hydrogen fuel cell automobiles. The idea sounds great, on the face of it. But from what I have heard and read, the production of the hydrogen fuel necessary to make this system work will use as much energy, and cause as much pollution as the gasoline that it replaces. Does anybody out there have new information? Let me know.

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AP On The Hot Seat

I have long been critical of the AP, and its seeming indifference to the truth. The AP also tends to trample on the rights of others, when releasing a story or photos. The highlighted piece is a perfect example of that. I hope that the members of the American military prevail, and with prejudice, for a huge amount.

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Monday, March 21, 2005

Federal Pollution Fines Should Go To Health Care

The highlighted article touts the Fed and the fines it has acquired in its lawsuit against a power company in Ohio. No mention is made, however where that money will go. I feel that all fines involving criminal activity that damages the public health should be funneled into the health industry, or into other federal health care programs (like medicaid). With a more specific accounting system, our leaders can better track where money is going, issue by issue.

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Japan On Security Council?

Japan has long been protected by the armed forces of the US, as a result of WW 2. In addition, Japan was not an original member of the UN Security Council, for the same reason. Times have changed, and it's time to allow Japan to protect itself, and exert its power on the council. Condi Rice has proposed this in her recent trip to Asia. Hopefully this will happen soon. The US needs another ally in Asia with some military might and the right to make important decisions. Without that, China will become impossible to deal with, I fear.

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

US Will Strike First, If Necessary

I have long wondered if the leaders of our country are prepared to prevent some sort of serious attack on the US, instead of just reacting to one. My readings of some documents has led me to believe that the Pentagon is ready to strike first, but the civilian leadership has bowed down to political pressure, in an effort to reassure the world that we won't. To me that is putting the cart before the horse. The types of attacks that are possible are much more devastating than during the middle of the 20th century. The Pearl Harbor attack was a temporary setback. The type of attack that can happen now could kill millions. The highlighted piece reveals a "new" policy that I feel has probably been defacto for a while. We have announced that preemption is now in our planning, when necessary. This tells the bad guys that they can and will be targeted when necessary, to protect the country. One would assume that could include use of nuclear weapons.
The development of a "bunker buster" small nuke is a clear signal that we are serious about this.
It will be interesting to see the reaction of the Left, and the parts of the world that aren't sympathetic to our right to defend ourselves.

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Friday, March 18, 2005

Illegals in California Overwhelming Medical Facilities

As you all know, I'm against illegal immigration. Here's another piece on why. Fox is doing a fine expose' on the illegals issue. This one points to the detrimental effect it has on medical care.

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Another Piece on Harvard Prez Summers

As I've stated here before, the idea that women's and men's brains are constructed differently is a fact of science. Since Harvard President Larry Summers alluded to that fact, he has been vilified by the left, and its myopic members. This piece by James Miller gives an interesting spin to the latest news. With the faculty of Harvard giving a vote of no confidence to Summers, Mr. Miller says it's time to let the students decide.

"My guess is that Dr. Summers will soon resign. But before he does, I would urge him to let Harvard's students vote on his fate. If a majority of students rebuked the Arts and Science faculty by supporting Dr. Summers, he would have a mandate to make nearly any changes he wanted at Harvard."

I like the idea.

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Baseball on Trial

The writer didn't watch the same hearings that I did, I guess. Marc McGwire was not " a shrunken, lonely, evasive figure" as stated. Mr McGwire was quit clear and forthright in his opening statement. He basically has the same attitude as most of the general public: The US Senate has more important things to do. The inquisition ended more than 400 years ago.

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In Defence of the Bloggers

Cal Thomas' piece on bloggers is a breath of fresh air. It's a quick read.

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Let's Ban Rock And Roll..er.. Cheerleading

Harkening back to the 1950's a lawmaker wants to ban cheerleading at teen football games. Seems the Texas rep isn't aware of the first amendment.

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

UN Tries To Deflect Criticism

Read this one with a grain of salt. It tells of UN reports of atrocities in the Congo. Seems to me they are just trying to take the spotlight off of their misdeeds (thousands of underage girls raped by UN "peacekeepers" in multiple areas in Africa.

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Another School Out Of Control?

Michelle Malkin has given us this update. After I read it, I was outraged. Whatever happened to normal adult discourse? This was supposed to be a debate, not a drama show. Or an anti-war rally.

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Another Piece On Ward Churchill

This highlighted piece from two Denver attorneys says it all. The important stuff I have already written about.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Italian Guard Killed by US Troops; His Own Fault

As I have said, the idea that our troops fired on the car of the Italian hostage freed in Iraq while knowing she was inside is absurd. The highlighted article sets the record straight. It also shows that the woman who was saved definitely has an anti-American agenda. She lied about the shooting, simple as that. Anyway, the agent didn't want the US to know about the rescue, and died as a result:

"Mario Marioli, a deputy commander of the US-led coalition troops in Iraq, was quoted by the Italian newspaper La Repubblica as saying: "I asked Calipari if I should inform our American allies of the hostage-freeing operation, but his reply was that under no circumstances was the ally to be informed."
US authorities say the vehicle had failed to respond to signals to stop.
La Repubblica quoted statements by Marioli to Italian investigating magistrates probing the incident. He said he had twice been warned by Calipari not to disclose the operation to the Americans. "

Why weren't we informed? I guess we'll never find out.

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Monday, March 07, 2005

Credit Card Companies Are The Real Culprits

This piece about the credit industry and identity theft hits home, to many Americans. The companies who issue the cards and other accounts aren't held accountable for issuing credit to individuals who are stealing identities. Until the laws are changed, the problem will persist.
I'll bet that if the banking industry was held liable for the illegal activities of these thieves, the problem would virtually disappear.

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Word To Ward Churchill: Resign

Now that the president of Colorado University has resigned, it's only fitting that Ward Churchill follow in her path. In Churchill's own words:

""It's both a tragedy and a travesty. I think the woman has, under the circumstances that have been imposed by the political realities of the state, done an absolutely amazing job under extraordinary pressure," he said."

Yes, the pressure generated by Churchill's words, his plagiarism and his lies. The fact that the public outcry about Churchill has caused Betsy Hoffman to resign is unfortunate. Churchill's failure to follow suit is even more so.

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US Government Says Absurd

As I said, the idea that our troops would knowingly fire on that Italian lady who was released by her kidnappers was absurd. My word has now been borrowed by White House press secretary Scott McClellan. Here's an exerpt from the piece on My Way News:

"Responding to Sgrena's statement that the car may have been deliberately targeted, McClellan said. "It's absurd to make any such suggestion, that our men and women in uniform would deliberately target innocent civilians.
"That's just absurd," McClellan repeated."

It's good to hear.

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Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bloggers Need To Organize

Michelle Malkin points out the dangerous bill being proposed to limit the rights of bloggers.
I think I've got a solution. If some sort of loose knit "blogger society" could be organized, with a small yearly amount to be paid as dues, that would, I think put the bloggers into a more defensible position. Anybody else have an idea?

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Italians Reportedly Think Reporter Shot On Purpose

Now our military is shooting reporters because they were kidnapped and then released after a ransom was paid. Yep, that's what is being reported now. Some people in Italy seem to think that our national policies (if they are really our national policies) have trickled down to the soldiers in the field. The idea that our troops would shoot at the Italian reporter who was freed the other day is absurd. And further, the idea that soldiers guarding a check point would have been given orders to shoot her is even more ridiculous. That would mean that the description of the vehicle would have been given to all possible soldiers who might be on checkpoint duty, with orders to kill the occupants. If that were true, why didn't they finish her off? The whole idea is a joke.
I guess the Italians are pissed off because we aren't letting them do more fighting in Iraq.
Heh Heh Heh.

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Friday, March 04, 2005

California Voters Are Strange

The link is to the latest Field Poll. The poll indicates that Californians don't favor driver's licenses for illegals. Problem is, the findings don't match the way California's voters select their representatives. California has consistently voted for liberals, primarily Democrats over the last 25 years. Those liberals have been against stemming the flow of illegals across the border, or at least have encouraged them with spending programs that support bi-lingual education for undocumented individuals and with offers of amnesty to those who have successfully broken the law by entering California illegally. Clearly they have been courting the Hispanic voters.
Yet now the Field Poll shows a major backlash to illegals in California. The only ethnic group polled that favors the issuing of driver's licenses to illegals is the Hispanics. Wow, what a surprise.
I still wonder though, if the voters in California are capable of seeing the connection between their voting patterns and the problem with illegals. The only way to know will be to wait and see. Will the next election show a shift in voter's attitudes? Or will the liberal agendas of those running for elective office in California continue to fool the electorate?
By the way, I lived in California for over 50 years, so I do have some background on this issue.

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sales Tax vs Income Tax

With all the talk about using a flat tax or a consumption tax to replace the current system, I have only this to say. The current system is OK for homeowners who write off their home loan interest, as well as other incidental itemized deductions. For me personally, I would get screwed by either one of the new systems proposed.
I write off my mortgage interest, charitable donations, and college tuition paid for my daughter. Now how am I going to be able to pay triple the taxes (which is what I'll be stuck with) compared to my current situation?
This is something that can't be allowed to happen. Not only that, the lower income people will suffer almost as much as me. They are important too.
Paul Volker has said a value added tax will help the economy. That is impossible. The result will be people will spend less, to save money. That will result in less consumption, which will result in less demand for goods and services. The next step will be industry cutting back on their production, and service industries won't be providing as many services.
The next step is layoffs. The reduction in demand will cause massive unemployment, which most likely will put us into an economic depression.
Just say no to the value added tax.

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