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Location: Ames, Iowa, United States

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wall Street Journal's Flawed Defence of Port Deal

Michelle Malkin has already addressed this to some extent:


But she misses a couple of points I feel are important. Here is a paragraph from the Wall Street Journal's defense of the port deal:

"Yes, some of the 9/11 hijackers were UAE citizens. But then the London subway bombings last year were perpetrated by citizens of Britain, home to the company (P&O) that currently manages the ports that Dubai Ports World would take over. Which tells us three things: First, this work is already being outsourced to "a foreign-based company"; second, discriminating against a Mideast company offers no security guarantees because attacks are sometimes homegrown; and third, Mr. Graham likes to talk first and ask questions later."

OK, let's start with the London bombings. The individuals involved may have been citizens, but they weren't British. None of them. Correct me if I am wrong, but none were born there.
Next, to compare Britain with any other country on the "Trust Meter" is a loser. Great Britain and the United States have had a mutual working agreement to save the world from itself since the First World War. Granted, there was a little down time during the 1920's and 30's. But as WW2 began to develop, FDR began to help Britain with supplies and weapons, even though the US wasn't in the war yet. Since then, Britain has been our staunchest ally.
Trusting Great Britain is like trusting a sibling to take care of your kids while you go on vacation.
Would you trust somebody who has enabled terrorists? (Money laundering of Al Qaeda funds, for example).
Next, sure attacks can be homegrown. But why tempt fate? How many homegrown attacks of REAL SIGNIFICANCE have occured? One...I believe. Oklahoma City. And that was based on the idea that our government was not protecting its citizens. The bombers were pissed off at the burning of the Branch Davidian complex in Texas. I was pissed off at the killing of those people. I don't blow up buildings, but our government made a HUGE mistake in the way it dealt with David Koresh.
Putting in place people, or a group of people who may have unsavory characters involved in their business is asking for trouble.
Attacking Senator Graham for his inconsistencies is OK, I guess. But it has no bearing on the reality of the situation at hand.
Further down in the WSJ piece is this:

"Besides, the notion that the Bush Administration is farming out port "security" to hostile Arab nations is alarmist nonsense. Dubai Ports World would be managing the commercial activities of these U.S. ports, not securing them. There's a difference. Port security falls to Coast Guard and U.S. Customs officials. "Nothing changes with respect to security under the contract," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday. "The Coast Guard is in charge of security, not the corporation.""

My response:
Since all of the groups involved in running a port must be in constant communication about everyday activities, which include PORT SECURITY, the normal exchange of information between the different groups will, as a natural course of activity include some information that can be used by bad guys to compromise the security of the ports.
Such mundane things as the regular security checks can give information to terrorists and their sympathisers as to how to compromise port security.

Bill O'Reilly has lost it on this one. He is still harping the "racsim against Arabs" bandwagon, even as I write this. 1902 HRS CST this evening 02/22/2006. Watch the repeat in the late hours. Bill, get a brain.

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So Now The Arabs Won't Invest In The USA?

Click and read the crybaby reaction on the part of the UAE's Gulf Research Center, Mustafa Alani. He says that other Arab nations will be reluctant to invest in the US, if the port deal is cancelled.

"This is Arab phobia and it is clearly politically motivated," he told Reuters

Well, let's see. All of the 9/11 hijackers were Arabs. ALL OF THEM. ALL OF THEM.
There are other countries that can invest in the US. Look at what Japan has done. And we didn't refuse them, even though they attacked Pearl Harbor.
But Japan has it figured out. They realized, after being stomped in WW2, that violence against the US was not a good way to conduct business.
I'm not sure the Arabs will ever get that.

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Who's In Charge?

Click the link and read about the latest port stuff. It looks like the White House wasn't informed of the UAE port deal until his staff had already approved it. Who's running things? I had always told a joke to my friends, that Cheney was secretly running things, and Bush was just following his lead.
Now it looks like the president may not be in charge...for real. It's getting a little scary.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Little Fun With The MSM

This is classic. A contest to make a logo for the MSM (Main Stream Media) . The phrase "Controversy, Crap & Confusion" is part of the contest. It's fun stuff.

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Another Reason We Need To Be More Selective In Granting US Citizenship

Read the piece about the "three Ohio men" who were plotting to kill American soldiers in Iraq. They are "Ohio men" only because they happen to reside there now. All three are originally from the Middle East. Just another case for profiling.

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Stand Up For Denmark, An Informed View

Check out the piece by Christopher Hitchens, who writes a lot of very good stuff. I am considering going to DC. I like the idea of getting into a nice tiff with the Islamic crazies.
After all, when they find out about the proposed meeting at the Danish consulate, they will be there chanting and threatening.

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Another Voice For (REAL) Port Security

I am on the bandwagon on this one, bigtime. We can't risk having our Ports administered by a company from a country that has generated multiple anti-American terrorists. Period.

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WMD's Were Moved

As I've said before, the WMD's in Iraq were moved. Click the link and read all about it.
After that, use the information to ridicule those who say "There weren't any WMD's!!".
Printing the piece would be helpful. Keep it on hand. Show it to the Bush haters.

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Where Our Population Levels Should Be

Check out this site for why we are having so much trouble with overpopulation here in the US.
Click the link, or go to:


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Alec Baldwin Goes Off The Deep End

I guess I need to add Alec Baldwin to my list of Left Wing Hollywood Nutcases. Click the link, and be amazed.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gary Sinese Isn't Like The Usual Lefties In Hollywood

Read the piece and be happy that not all actors are Left Wing Idealogues. I'm sure that Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, George Clooney and the rest of the Lefty Hollywood loons aren't happy with Mr. Sinese's outlook on the military, Iraq and 9/11.

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Two Faced Dems At It Again

David Limbaugh's piece on the latest flip-flop by the Democrat Party leadership is good reading. As usual, the Dem's have tried to vilify the president at the expense of National Security.
Yes, David is Rush's brother.

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

February 9 O'Reilly Show

I am watching O'Reilly on FOX as I type this. The segment at 1930 HRS is about why or why not Americans should be afraid of illegal immigrants. The guest is a guy named Juan Hernandez, author of the book "New American Pioneers". My problem with Mr Hernandez is he is obviously buzzed on pot. His huge smile, his refusing to admit that the Mexican government has not been cooperative with the US govt in the border issue, are easy to see.
Those searchlight eyes...been there.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More CIA Problems

This piece has the head of the CIA, Porter Goss complaining about the CIA leaking information about covert operations. An excerpt:

In an agencywide e-mail, Porter Goss blamed "a very small number of people" for leaks about secret CIA operations that, in his words, "do damage to the credibility of the agency."

A small number of people? How small? Who were they? How did they get clearance? Why is the CIA still in the 1960's?

If we want to fix our security, we need to fire the CIA.

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Disband The CIA?

This latest piece about more bungling by the CIA is great. I am tired of hearing about the latest failure on the part of the CIA to correctly diagnose an upcoming situation. It's obvious to me that the "Old Boy" group is still there. Those who defend the leadership in the CIA, or the firing the lower level individuals who actually were trying to make things correct in such circumstances need to be removed from their positions.
An ENTIRELY INDEPENDENT commission needs to review the CIA.
The problem is, the Dems would use this as a weapon against George Bush, and the Republicans will attempt to gloss it all over.
Maybe they should ask me!! I'll adjudicate the issue. Maybe it's time for a leader.
I'm pro USA. Pro Military. Pro Guns. I like lower taxes.
But I do not condone incompetence in the departments of our government that protect our national security. The CIA. The FBI. Homeland Security.
Things are the same. The guys in charge have not become better at their jobs. Most of the failures have just been moved to other jobs to make mistakes there.
I believe part of it is the failure to accept those who aren't "OK". If one isn't WASP, forget rising to any important level in any of those groups.
But just as importantly is the nepotism situation. Many who fail in one section of one of these agencies aren't fired. They are simply moved to another section of that agency to screw up there.
Changing the system seems to be the way to go. Really fixing, not just bandaids.

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Cartoon Wars

This situation is perfect. The Islamic morons are now holding a contest for Islamics to create "Holocaust Cartoons". From the highlighted piece:

"The Iranian daily Hamshahri said the contest was designed to test the boundaries of free speech -- the reason given by many European newspapers for publishing the cartoons of the Prophet."

The rest of the piece doesn't matter too much to me. It's just a news piece. But I am wondering how those idiots will react when the FREE WORLD doesn't react? When there aren't any mosques burned? When there aren't any flags of Islamic countries burned? When the worse that happens is a mild rebuke from responsible individuals around the world? When Israel sits and waits, for a REAL reason to act against the Islamic morons. Like Iran's nuclear program (target for Isreal).

Any clear thinking individual in the Western world will not react in any way to this latest BS. Instead, we will laugh at them. And maybe make up a few more cartoons of Blowhammad.
Blow Hard.

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Oil Companies Trying To Thwart New Energy Sources

In what I call a new "head in the sand" attitude, Exxon Mobil Senior Vice President Stuart McGill said that imported oil is here for the realistic future. The oil companies are trying to stop our country from reducing dependence on foreign oil sources. The reason is obvious. They have been using the high price of oil on the world market (barrels of unrefined oil) as an excuse to make exorbitant profits at the expense of the American consumer.
They know that if simple fixes like ethanol introduction into the gasoline supply are implemented, the US public will notice the dramatic reduction in the cost of gasoline. Then the outcry would ensue: "We want Ethanol!! We want Ethanol!!"
I live in Iowa, where Ethanol has been in the gasoline supply for a number of years. I'm not sure how long, because I came here from SoCal a little over a year ago.
The retail price for mid-grade gas (10% Ethanol) is actually lower than regular unleaded. There is a movement to require all states to create Ethanol boosted gas. The main opposition has been (surprise!) the major oil companies.
See, the oil companies don't own corn fields. Why is that important? Because that's how ethanol is created. Rendering corn into burnable high yield fuel.
According to what I have read and seen, most vehicles on the road today can use ethanol boosted fuel. Possibly as high as 70% boosting. What would this mean to the average consumer?
Well, forget buying corn on the cob at eight for a dollar. But I will give up my ear of corn to reduce my cost to drive the highways.
The actual savings per gallon are in dispute. A price of half of what we are paying has been quoted. Of course, those who dispute that low cost are the oil companies and the brain dead naysayers of the world.
In reality, Mr McGill doesn't have his head in the sand. He represents the oil conglomerates in this instance, and shows that those companies are afraid of losing their profits. Bottom Line!

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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Our Troops Need To Be Able To Communicate With The Locals

The highlighted piece is amazing. I can't believe that our government has taken this long to figure out that learning the local language and customs of areas we are involved in militarily is a good idea.
Just another example of head in the sand attitudes on the part of the Armed Forces. Change has always been tough for them.
Just ask Billy Mitchell.

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Arizona May Implement Felony Trespass Law To Stop Illegals

In what I consider a brilliant move, Arizona state senator Barbara Leff has proposed a new state law to make trespassing by illegals a felony. It might have certain equal protection problems, but unless there is an injunction placed against the law, it would undoubtably work.
The crybaby mayor of the southeastern Arizona border city of Douglas, Ray Borane is worried about having enough officers to police this new law, if it takes effect.

""I have never heard of anything more ridiculous in my life," Borane said"

Hey mayor, the extra income to the town from enforcing the law should more than pay for an extra officer or two.

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Venezuela Dictator Should Look In The Mirror

Hugo Chavez calls George Bush "worse than Hitler" Interesting. With all the people who have been murdered by his own secret and not so secret police and other armed thugs, he is like the pot calling the kettle black.
Chavez is threatening to cut off oil to the US, and sell it on the world market. This is an empty threat for a couple of reasons. First, if other countries buy the oil from Venezuela then the oil they are buying now would need a buyer. Second, if it comes down to it, the US can put up a blockade around the country, preventing them from selling oil, or if needed, any products at all.
Starve em out.

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This Guy Thinks We Should Back Off On Islam

Read this piece, and my comment below it. The author seems to think that all would be OK if we just don't offend the crazies.

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PS Here's what I said to the writer:

Your comments leave the unanswered question: Is it OK to kill, behead, kidnap, dismember etc your opponents just because they said something one finds offensive?The response to an offense needs to be measured even more than the specified offense itself. Craig C http://blogresponder.blogspot.com

Another Perspective Of Islam

This piece about Islam compared to Communism rambles a bit, but the analogies are indisputable. The final conclusion leaves us up in the air. I am willing to say that the Cold War was inevitably winnable, as our adversaries needed us, more than we needed them, and they were sane enough to recognize that fact.
On the other hand, the Islamic world doesn't seem to have the cognitive ability, overall, to see reality. They really think they can conquer us.
And if the leadership of the Western World doesn't stand up and take notice...and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...then things will get very ugly.
9/11 may look like a minor incident before all this is ended.

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Michelle Malkin Calls It "Stone Age"

Similarly to what I have been saying, here Michelle Malkin calls the riots just what they are:

"Stone Age mob rampage"

I couldn't agree more.

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Links To More News On Freedom of Speech vs Islam

If you are into doing a lot of web surfing about this escalating war (yes, war) being waged by Islam against freedom of speech, click the link for numerous sites to be accessed. I haven't looked at all of them, but it's good stuff, regardless.

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Check Out This Great Piece On Sensitivity to Islam

Mark Steyn at Sun Times.com has this brilliant piece about how the "sensitivity" of the Western world may prove its downfall. It's really very good. Check it out.

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Gun Control Advocates Won't Want To Read This

I'm a life member of the NRA. I have been shooting guns since I was in the Cub Scouts. It was a Scouting sponsored activity long ago. I have shot only at targets, not people. Never been in a war. But I have had guns pointed at me during the commission of crimes by others on three seperate occasions. In each instance, if I were carrying a concealed weapon, the bad guys would have been stopped. No question.
There are many states that have concealed carry laws, for law abiding citizens. There is a bill in congress to make those laws reciprocal, with each state honoring the laws of the other states.
Read the piece from the NRA website. The figures are clear. Violent crime goes down in concealed carry states. Not just a little. Let's reduce violent crime, by carrying concealed guns.

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Here's Another Blogger Who Thinks As I Do About The Crazies

As I've said, the Radical Islamics, and the others who turn a blind eye to that radicalism, are not really worth our efforts to make their lives better. All that happens is they use our own technical advances to attacks us. That is not what a civilized people do.

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Craig C

Friday, February 03, 2006

Here Are The Pictures The Islamics Hate

Just so you know what all the bellyaching is about, here are the pictures (characatures) of Mohammad that are appearing around the world in newspapers. Some are quite good.
Click the title link

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Craig C

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Iran Heading For Self Destruction

The leaders of Iran are headed towards a confrontation with Europe and the USA. They bluster and threaten, as if they are somehow immune to ultimate retribution. They must be suffering from the same disease the Japanese military was suffering from prior to attacking Pearl Harbor.

Go ahead Iran, make our day.

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This Time The French Get One Right

In a follow up to what I said about the anti Islamic cartoons, this BBC piece speaks of a French publication that has repeated the publication of the cartoons, with an addition of their own.
I guess the Islamic nutcases have another target now. Maybe they will try to crash a plane into the Eiffel Tower....(something needs to wake them up to the real threat radical Islam is to the world)

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