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Location: Ames, Iowa, United States

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Another Netscape False Headline

The Netscape website, (www.netscape.com) with its Left leaning slant, has another headline that is not what the story actually says. Usually the stories start from the AP, but Netscape puts a headline on the piece that is misleading to say the least, and in some instances false.
Check out the latest BS from Netscape:

Canada Laws to Ban Drug ExportsCanada will draw up legislation giving it the right to ban the bulk sale of prescription drugs and other medicines to the U.S.

If you read the piece, the actuality is quite different. I email Netscape about this crap, but of course they are afraid to respond.

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Monday, June 27, 2005

Des Moines Register Just Doesn't Get It

I live in Iowa, but am from California. The unfortunate deaths of the two young men are regrettable, but the Des Moines Register's take on the issue is a joke. We all need to understand the reasons our troops are placed in harm's way. It has been the job of our armed forces to extend the political and economic policies of our country from the beginning. By and large, this has proved to be a fruitful policy. If you read my blog site, you will notice that I state that World War 2 was the event in time that cemented the role of the United States as the World's policeman. Anybody who disputes this doesn't understand history, and the reality of the world. We are in Iraq to advance our proven way of life and policies. Those who deride us for our actions are simply jealous of us. Those who think we should not be in Iraq because of personal loss only need to look at WW2. Our country made the ultimate sacrifice,with hundreds of thousand of our troops killed and wounded. But evil was defeated. There weren't very many families that weren't affected. Did the people call for a timetable to end the conflict? Did the people call for the release of those held as POW's? Did the people call for the release of the Japanese and German civilians who were held without charge in internment camps? The answer to these questions is: very few people had the temerity to call for anything other than "Unconditional Surrender".No timetable, no release of the bad guys, just VICTORY.Soldiers die in war. Civilians die in war. The hopeful outcome will better the world.

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Scientists Bring Back The Dead

Well, not people, at least not yet. This piece about reanimating dogs that are clinically dead is stunning news. The implication for our soldiers on the battlefield is huge. Let's hope our government gets this one figured out quickly. The myopia of our leaders regarding stem cell research makes me think this latest development may take way too long to be implemented.

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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Here's One You Need To Read

This letter was sent by a patriot. I found it on Ankle Biting Pundits. If you wish to sign it and send it to your state senators and the president, go for it! Here's the letter:

An Open Letter to the United States SenateLadies and Gentlemen:I want to share with you the unbridled contempt I feel for one of your members, Senator Durbin.Were his remarks not so repugnant, I would not trouble you with my concerns. To compare holding someone without air conditioning to the deathcamps of Auschwitz is, at once, an insult to the entire military, a trivialization of the holocaust, one of history's great outrages as well as just plain ludicrous.Before the 20th century the entire world existed without airconditioning, whether they were in Cuba, Iraq or the United States.My outrage, however is not directed solely at Senator Durbin. It is directed at each of you who stands idly by and allows this odious comment to stand. I know historically the Senate is "an old boys club" (apologies, ladies) where one does not speak ill of another senator. That each of you choose to honor that, rather than speak out for the American military, disgusts me. I reserve particular disgust for Senators Feinstein, Lieberman, Schumer and Feingold (sorry if I've overlooked someone). In the last century members of your faith were in fact tortured solely because of that faith and you stand by and allow that to be trivialized by a member of your own party. You put party above principle and I am ashamed of you.So, too, am I especially ashamed of Senator Clinton. You want to be President. You want to be commander in chief of the U.S. military. At first you said you were not familiar with Senator Durbin's comments. When read to you, you had no comment. Really.What kind of person are you? You want to become leader of the country, yet you can't recognize a reprehensible statement when you hear it? You can't see the insult to the fine Americans who comprise our military? the trivialization of the most horrible outrages of the last century, the death camps, the gulags and the killing fields? Are you that morally tone deaf or does your loyalty to self and party override your judgment? Either way, that certainly does not suggest someone capable of leading a great nation and a great people.These comments apply equally to Senators Kerry and McCain. Both of you wore your country's uniform and you took pride in that. Or at least you tell us you did every time you stand for election. Have you no comment? Have you no shame?As recently as a half century ago, your predecessors stood tall against the outrageous comments of Senator Joseph McCarthy. How sad it is to see that fifty years later there is not a single one of you willing to censure Senator Durbin.I am, at this moment, sorry I am not a resident of each of the 50 states. It would be my pleasure to vote against each and every one of you when next you are on the ballot. Regardless of party, I doubt we could do any worse replacing any of you with someone new. Perhaps we might get lucky and find 100 men and women willing to stand up for the country regardless of their political differences. Fifty years ago, we could. I pray we one day will again.

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New York Post Has It Right About Rove

Carl Rove has pissed off the Dems, by telling the truth about the party in general terms. Here's the quote:

"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Citing calls by progressive groups to respond carefully to the attacks, Mr. Rove said to the applause of several hundred audience members, "I don't know about you, but moderation and restraint is not what I felt when I watched the twin towers crumble to the ground, a side of the Pentagon destroyed, and almost 3,000 of our fellow citizens perish in flames and rubble."

Unfortunately, the Dems hate being pigeonholed, and are calling for Rove's resignation.
This piece in the Washington Post gets all the important stuff to the forefront. Rove wasn't
that great of a campaign manager for President Bush, (should have been a landslide),
but this time he is right on.

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Chinese Trying To Buy Unocal?!!

In what could become a real disaster, the Chinese government owned oil company CNOOC Ltd has made a bid to purchase Unocal, the ninth largest oil company in the US. If the government doesn't nip this in the bud, it could open a back door for this potential future enemy to undermine our ability to respond in case of war. This can't be allowed to happen. There is already talk of selling some of Unocal's assets, which could end up anywhere, in anyone's hands.

"It's not a business transaction at all," said C. Richard D'Amato, chairman of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressional advisory panel. "This is not a free market deal. This is the Chinese government acquiring energy resources."

Our government is supposed to protect us ftom outside threats. This is one, for sure.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dick Morris Knows The Real Hillary

It's been a while since I posted, but this piece by Dick Morris, the ex-aide of the Clinton administration, must be read. I have no love for Hillary Clinton. But I agree with Mr. Morris. The ridiculous stuff written about her in the recent expose book by Ed Klein is too far out for clear thinking individuals. Of course, if such things were written about a conservative, (thus directed at a liberal readership) the information would be touted from the highest (lowest?) pulpit as the truth, by the MSM. We don't need to stoop to that level.

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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Now It's Official: China A Threat

I guess all of the head in the sand apologists for Red China have a lot of explaining to do. I have written before that China is a major threat to peace in the world. The window of opportunity to get the Chinese under control has almost closed. If no action is taken, the possibility of an unwinnable war is virtually certain. It's time to use the Taiwanese as our excuse, before it's too late.

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We Have To Be Warned

This website is a must read. My statements about the current WW3 is not unique. Jihad Watch is keeping readers up to date on the very real threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Here's A Site To Send Your Wishes To Congress And The President

I found this cool website by accident. It allows you to send pre-written faxes for free to your local reps in congress, as well as the president. Suffice it to say, it has all the good stuff, except the fight against gun control. It's mostly illegal immigrant stuff.

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PS You will have to sign up, so your local reps can be identified.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Saudis Still Living In The Dark Ages

This latest about allowing Saudi Arabian women the right to drive is a real eye opener. I guess I already knew that they couldn't, per "Islamic Law", but it still points out the second class status that women have in the area. The idea that a woman would give in to temptation (more than a man would) is strange. I know the Bible blames Eve for eating the forbidden fruit first, but still.

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Thursday, June 02, 2005

CIA Analysts Get Rewarded For Incompetence

In this piece from the Washington Post, news of the failure of CIA intelligence reports on Iraq must not have gotten to the CIA leadership. Otherwise, how could the analyists who screwed up get "performance bonuses"? Just think how much the bonuses would have been if they had actually done a good job.

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