My Latest Letter To Senator Harkin
Here is my latest email to Tom Harkin, our Left Wing Dem Senator from Iowa. He had emailed me about the ridiculous amnesty bill in the Senate. Here's his email:
I deleted my address, but here's how I responded to him:
Harkin is a typical Liberal, not given a crap about what the people think. He knows what it good for the country. The typical Liberal attitude.
I'll be back
April 20, 2006
Mr. Craig C
Ames, IA
Dear Craig:
Thank you for contacting me. I am always glad to hear from you.
I appreciate knowing your views on the need to reform our immigration
laws. As you may know, the Senate's effort to pass comprehensive
immigration reform legislation recently collapsed, and it is unclear when
or if the Senate will return to consideration of immigration reform
legislation this year. I am deeply disappointed that the Senate appears
to have missed an historic opportunity to pass strong, comprehensive
immigration legislation today that would help bring millions of
undocumented immigrants out of the shadows, and that would help secure our
borders and enforce our laws. Instead, the Senate majority party has
chosen to play politics by blocking efforts to end debate and pass a
strong, bipartisan compromise immigration bill.
Clearly the federal government has a responsibility to address the
flow of illegal immigration across our borders. Immigration reform is a
national security issue. The federal government needs to know who is
living in our country and who is crossing our borders. For this reason,
we need to bring the approximately 11 to 12 million undocumented
immigrants out of the shadows so that we can conduct background checks and
have records of who is in our country.
I continue to believe that we need three components as part of
comprehensive immigration reform. One, we need tough, consistent
protection of our borders and effective enforcement of reformed
immigration laws. Two, we need to enforce sanctions against employers who
hire immigrants unauthorized to work. And, three, we need a
temporary-worker program, with documentation, that gives immigrants a
reasonable path to earned legalization by paying fines, learning English,
and paying back taxes.
I also hope that the Senate will include two important bipartisan
measures in any final immigration reform package; the AgJobs bill and the
DREAM Act. Senator Larry Craig's AgJobs bill provides for a stable and
legal agricultural workforce. The DREAM Act would allow qualified
undocumented students to be eligible for in-state tuition provided they
have graduated from high-school in the state and are pursuing legal
status, among other strict requirements.
Last December, the House of Representatives passed a immigration
reform bill that calls for criminalizing undocumented immigrants; rounding
up the 11 to 12 million undocumented immigrants for deportation; and
charging with crimes anyone who might help them, including clergy and
church members. It is simply unrealistic to think that it is possible for
the federal government to round up millions of people and deport them.
One independent analysis concluded that it would cost over $140 billion to
deport these individuals and, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
doing so would bring our economy to a screeching halt. This bill is too
punitive and doesn't address the underlying issues driving the influx of
undocumented workers in the United States.
It is long past due that we institute reforms to address our broken
immigration system. I am hopeful, that after the Easter recess, the
Senate will once again address this issue so we can pass a just and fair
immigration reform package - one that is true to our values and tradition.
I will continue to work to support bipartisan and workable immigration
policies that will reunite families, protect the rights of American
workers, and honor the values of the United States of America as a nation
of immigrants.
Again, thanks for sharing your views with me. Please don't hesitate to
let me know how you feel on any issue that concerns you.
Tom Harkin
United States Senator
Please do not reply to this email. To contact me, please log on to my
website at
I deleted my address, but here's how I responded to him:
Hello Senator, thanx for your email about your feelings on immigration. Unfortunately, all you said in the email simply confirms what I already said to you before. The "failed" legislation you talk about is not what the American people want or need. Any program that legitimizes those who have violated our laws by infitrating across the border is unacceptable. The bill would not only give all of those illegals an opportunity to eventually become citizens (break the law, get on board), it also encourages further illegal entries by the next wave of infiltrators. In 1986, when then president Reagan authorized a "one time" amnesty, we in the know were all over it. I am a long time Conservative, voting Republican most of the time. But even back then I predicted (correctly) that the amnesty would encourage others to come. And did they come! The lack of prosecution of employers over the years has been the primary reason the Mexicans know they will find work here in the US. If we beef up those laws (make it a felony to hire an illegal) and prosecute the violaters rigorously, the illegals already here will find it very hard to live here. We cannot allow them to stay. They will slowly begin to go back, because they will be starving for lack of work. That's right, no government programs can be allowed to favor the illegals. No hospitals, no schools, no welfare. They will round themselves up. Force the Mexican government to take care of their own. And bill the Mexican government for each and every illegal who is apprehended and deported.
It's time to end the anarchy. Your election is when?
Craig C
Harkin is a typical Liberal, not given a crap about what the people think. He knows what it good for the country. The typical Liberal attitude.
I'll be back
Have you ever noticed that the only bills that are associated with Harkin, other than ADA, are initiated by other congressmen. He has the tendency to make a revision in order to include his name on the bills. I.E. the bill to get funding for the animal disease lab in Ames. He does like his name though, on Workforce Development buildings, but he is unaware of that.
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